Friday, April 16, 2010

The Family Physicist is with us this weekend!

Our son came into town in mid-semester for today's hearing--four years after the fact--regarding that idiotic auto accident in which he was involved on the way home from Japan (see here, and follow the link). Having seen the condition of my computer, which is almost six years old, he's threatening to drag me out to a store on Sunday and help me buy a new one. (He's also threatening me with a punishment worse than death if I don't start defragging, and performing other computer maintenance, on a regular basis.) Let's hope that the shopping goes well. I also hope to have a new photo of him to publish (via link to Flickr).


Blogger Larry Lennhoff said...

Better defragging than fragging, that's always been my motto. Shabbat Shalom.

Fri Apr 16, 04:45:00 PM 2010  
Blogger Marc said...

No one defrags any more. Well, you might have to defrag a 6 year old model, but not a new one.

Sun Apr 18, 07:01:00 PM 2010  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Our son disagrees. He says he defrags his computer whenever necessary or roughly once a month. He's also adamant about me and his dear olde dad making sure that we don't have or accidentally download programs that we don't need, that we check regularly for viruses, and that we check regularly for spyware (which I haven't even figured out how to do yet).

Mon Apr 19, 12:51:00 PM 2010  

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